速報APP / 社交 / Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Sweet Potato(圖1)-速報App

Sweet potato is the app for healthy people! If you believe in a healthy lifestyle don't think twice, download it and increase this healthy community!

The automatic front-camera functionality makes your selfie hassle free. Level up your selfie by using various filters and decorate it with endless choices of frames and stickers!

Express yourself its features:

☆ Join a community of healthy people.

☆ Automatic front-camera functionality right upon launching.

Sweet Potato(圖2)-速報App

☆ Take great photos and record awesome videos.

☆ Awesome frames, stickers and animated stickers to decorate your selfies.

☆ Easy selfie taking with the simple interface and large camera button.

☆ Express your selfie in the caption to describe your mood.

☆ Comment, love, and engage with your friends and followers.

Sweet Potato(圖3)-速報App

☆ SEARCH your favorite selfie theme in other people’s posts.

☆ Share your pictures to Facebook, Instagram, and other social networks.

Sweet Potato(圖4)-速報App